TripsaRoo Forum Rules and Copyright Guidelines

General posting policy and guide on copyright material. Please read before joining our great community of travel adventurers.
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TripsaRoo Forum Rules and Copyright Guidelines

Post by TripsaRoo » Fri Mar 30, 2018 2:52 am


Welcome guest!

Tripsaroo is a fairly new community of travel enthusiasts that just like you, love to travel. Our mission is to build a reputation as a source of genuine information, advice from experts to amateur travelers who simply wish to share experiences with others in hopes that everyone learns something positive and useful when planning their own trip.

The primary focus of our forum is to be a place where fellow members can share their travel ideas and experiences rooted in a quality content. This forum was born from an idea based on global community of members that share travel tips and trips with each other in an effort to help travelers make better travel decisions. This should go without saying, treat others the way you would want to be treated.

Thus, in order to make this forum as transparent and fair as possible, the following content is not allowed:

1.) Violent content-the definiton of violent content can be pretty broad, so it goes without saying- if you wouldn't post it at work- don't post it here.
2.) Hate speech (any content that incites hatred or promotes violence against individuals or groups based on race or ethnic origin, religion,
disability, gender, age, veteran status or sexual orientation/gender identity), harassment, bullying or similar content that advocates harm against
an individual or group.
3.) Excessive profanity.
4.) Hacking/cracking content
5.) Promotion, solicitation or elicitation of drug paraphernalia
6.) Content that promotes, sells or advertises products obtained from endangered or threatened species.
7) NO SOLICITING OF ANY KIND in order to gain financial profit from members of this forum.
8.) No clickbait offers to our members with malicious intent.
9.) Sales of alcohol,tobacco or tobacco-related products.
10.) Sales of prescription drugs.
11.) Sales of weapons or ammunition (e.g. firearms, firearm components, fighting knives, stun guns).
12.) Sales or distribution of coursework or student essays.
13.) Sales of any other kind.
14.) Content regarding programs which compensate users for clicking ads or offers, performing searches, surfing websites or reading emails
15.) Any other content that is illegal, promotes illegal activity or infringes on the legal rights of others
16.) Excessive use of caps and red color font.

This forum DOES NOT tolerate topics about religious or political views nor any other topics that are far irrelevant from our mission. Such threads and posts will be reported and deleted immediately. If such behavior continues to provoke or escalate, the moderators shall take further action and ban such provocateurs permanently.

Copyrighted material

Users are not allowed to post copyrighted material or provide links driving traffic to sites that contain copyrighted material. Examples of copyrighted content which may require legal rights in order to be displayed include, but are not limited to: television shows, movies, and audio files, access to streaming cable or satellite television, books and/or e-books, video games and images.


When quoting images, ensure that the image can be used under fair use and provide the source name and link with the image.

Fair Use
Quoting long and full articles from external sources is not the proper way to start a discussion or to use as an argument. Fair use of a source means:

1. name and link the source
2. quote a maximum of about 100 words
3. link to the full article

Your news quote should look like this:

Title of the article

source: Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam elit lorem, sodales vitae, scelerisque in, commodo eget, tortor. Mauris ut enim. Nam aliquam, enim at fermentum porta, dui odio nonummy dui, suscipit ultricies nulla urna in nisi. Nunc id magna ut erat condimentum placerat. Phasellus sem. Morbi bibendum, dolor nec pellentesque cursus, tortor turpis porttitor ante, vel nonummy dui ante eleifend sapien. Sed porta ultrices neque. Vivamus tortor diam, accumsan vel, lobortis vitae, euismod euismod, quam. Sed varius. Etiam arcu. Maecenas nisl orci, euismod at, vulputate id, lacinia non, diam. Maecenas sed quam a massa lacinia posuere. Integer a leo.
continue reading:

Reporting posts
If you think a posting does not belong on the site for whatever reason, please help us by reporting this posting. Members can do so by clicking the exclamation mark at the top right of the post.

What happens if I break a rule?

Depending on the severity of the violation, a different course of action may be taken, but a course of action goes as follows:

Minor offence- a private message may be sent, no further action is needed.

Intermediary offence- temporary ban may be imposed on the offender ranging from 30 min to several hours or days.

Major offence- results in permanent ban.

If you have any questions regarding our rules and guidelines, please contact us.


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